Welcome to the Wills Park Equestrian Foundation
4th Annual Charity Golf Classic
Monday, April 22, 2024
Horseshoe Bend Country Club
2100 Steeplechase Lane Roswell, GA 30076

Golf Tournament Information
Day of Check-in: Opens at 8:30am
Shotgun Start: 10:00am
Tournament Format: Scramble
Tees: Men - White
Senior (60+) - Green
Ladies - Red
Contests: SuperTicket, $50k Hole-in-One,
Longest Drive and Closest to the Pin
Prizes: Top 3 Teams
Social Information
Silent Auction and Raffles
Lunch & Beverages served during Play
Reception and Awards following Play
How To Register to Play and Sponsor
- Click here and Register Now
- Or on our Welcome Page, click Register Now, just below The Wills Park Equestrian Foundation logo on the left side of the page. This will take you to our registration page where you can create a new registration or modify one you've already created.
- Click on New Registration
- Registration Type
- You can select to
- Register 1 Individual Golfer
- Register a Foursome
- Register as an Event or Sponsor Golfer package
- When you're done, scroll to the bottom of the page and click Next
- You can select to
- Golfer Information Page - tell us about the golfers you are registering
- Tell us about each of the golfers in your group. Required information includes: name, email address, and shirt size.
- If you're not sure about other golfers, but still want to register other golfers, simply provide your information in each of the golfer spots. You can always go back and edit your registration.
- Please note: any golfer registered as a Professional Golfer is not eligible for our Hole-In-One or Putting Contests
- When you have completed this section, scroll to the bottom of the screen and select Next
- Tell us about each of the golfers in your group. Required information includes: name, email address, and shirt size.
- Sponsorship Page - click here for Sponsorship Opportunities
- To register as a Sponsor, click here and Register Now
- Select any Sponsorship your would like to add to your registration here and the number of each.
- We will email you for your logo information to be included on the various signs or banners, and website presence.
- If you choose not to add any sponsorship or when you have completed this section, scroll to the bottom of the screen and select Next
- Registration Fee Page
- You can provide credit card payment information here and complete your registration or
- You can choose to skip payment and send payment to us via mail or come back later and edit your registration and make payment at that time.
- Note: we cannot consider your registration official until full payment has been made or received.
- Once your have completed this section, you will receive and email that your registration is complete.
Have additional questions about Registration, Sponsorship, Raffles, or Volunteering, email wpefgolftournament@gmail.com!